Where are the RIOTS?
As several of you know, the world cup of soccer will begin next year in Germany.
What you may not know is that Australia hasn't qualified for the world cup in 31 years. Year after year, tournament after tournament there is one heartbreak after another.
This year looked like it was going to be the same as the "Socceroos" were being matched up against Uruguay who earlier this year won the South American soccer championship. The first match was played in Uruguay and the Australians lost by one goal. The second game is to be played in Sydney and in order for the Australians to make it into the world cup, they would need to win by 2 goals. A feet not easily attainable playing such a strong team. Nonetheless we decide to watch the game at a local pub to cheer on the socceroos.
The feeling in the crowd was one of doubt but still remained positive as this would be the closest they've gotten in a long time. The game started off strong, as Australia was able to score in the first half. All they needed now was one more goal and they were in. Unfortunately, that goal was not going to come in regular time or even overtime. It was down to penalty kicks against a hot Uruguayan goal keeper but the good news was that it was in Sydney and the socceroos had the backing of the fans. At the peak of suspense, after the Aussie striker missed the net, it was up to the hometeams goalkeeper to save the day. He did just that and once the final striker kicked the ball through the net, it began another moment in history! The Aussies are going to the World Cup of Soccer!You can only imagine what it felt like having an entire country come together in support of their sports teams much how a Canadian feels when we win the gold in hockey. There was no gold medal this day, but still it was a time to celebrate and what better way to do it then riot on the streets and share it with everyone else!
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