Saturday, August 06, 2005

Back to Sydney

I guess coming back to Sydney where my adventures first started wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. On the other hand, after close to 2 months of pure pleasure it was back to reality and needing to find a job and place to stay. SUCKS, I know…

Again, a big thank you to our gracious hosts (S&G) for putting us up while we are homeless! Don’t worry, it won’t be for much longer… I promise.

My first week of looking for residence as well as employment was definitely an interesting experience. Since Sydney was the biggest city in Australia, it wasn’t hard to find interviews straight away as I was able to secure 3 in a week’s time. Without boring you with the details, interviews ranged from head hunters to small businesses looking for a little help. The most interesting one came from a resume I sent out. Without any interview or questions about myself, her first question was “can you come in tomorrow and start working”. The only information I had was from the ad that explained it was a sales role, no cold calling involved, in a “fun” environment with lots of incentives and party atmosphere.

Interesting, but probably not for me. The search goes on but I am now relieved to know that I won’t have to settle for sheep sheering or fruit picking just yet. I can always turn to the “party atmosphere” job if all else fails.

Or I can simply take up the profession seen to your right. Take a closer look and let me know if its the right job for me?


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