House Party's in Oz
So I am now winding down my trip along the east coast and I decide to stay one last weekend before heading back to Sydney, the logic is simple. One last night to party it up with Alana and Jules before they leave and one more week to esape the fact that I should be looking for work.
House party's here are something else. First off, people really like to dress up for any occassion and when I say dress up, I don't mean black tie, suit, or even dress clothes. I mean costumes. The night before the party, we spent close to 2 hours at the "fancy dress" shop looking for the most appropriate attire.
When it was time for the final choices, it came down to being a Wookie, a storm trooper, a Gladiator or a Jedi knight. (I know, where does Gladiator fit into all this?) In the end, due to economics and being practical, I ended up choosing the Jedi knight. It was a fine costume that allowed me to create several props... one of my favorites being "use the forks" but enough about me, let's talk about the party.
We begin by spending the entire day prepping for the party by buying the usual items needed. Things such as drinks, food, music, smoke machine... that's right SMOKE MACHINE to get us started. Why stop there though right? Well, we didn't. As it turns out, our impulse buy of the day was the light machine to complement the smoke machine. Once the stage was set, the drinks were next and the party was on full motion! I was surpised at how late the party went without any trouble from neighbors or police considering we were on the top floor of a two bedroom apartment.
Definately a nice end to my journey down the east coast of Australia. As this leg of the trip closes, there is still half of the country I still need to get to. Unfortunately due to the lack of funds, I am now forced to go back to Sydney and earn a living to save up for the next adventure... until then
- the lone asian
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