On the Road Again - in Melbourne
The Goal: Travel from Sydney to Adelaide stopping in Melbourne and driving along the Great Ocean Road and the Grampians in 1 week
After 9 hours on the road from Sydney heading south, we enter into the state of Victoria. The drive seemed like a baron wasteland with fields so dry, a simple cigarette bud could light it up. In fact, we were quite fortunate we weren't affected by the several bush fires that sent the state in smoke for 2 days.
It was uncharted territory for the Lone Asian and Island Rice once again, but a refreshing change and the start of the new adventure. Oh, and this time we have another visitor from Canuckland. Let's call him Sailor Pete.
Definately an interesting experience being a backpacker once more. Sharing a hostel room with 3 other strangers, along with one bathroom. Our first night was definately a shocker as 3am rolled around and our gracious roomates decides to introduce themselves. Drunk out of their minds, one guy wasn't even able to get up on top of the bunk bed. Once he finally did, however, was when he decided a prayer to the toilet gods were necessary before heading into bed. I hope he chokes on his vomit (sorry, thinking outloud again)
Obviously not a good first night in Melbourne. What better way to cure a night with no sleep and a 9 hour drive the day before by touring the city on foot?From what I was able to gather, however, Melbourne did seem like a quaint little city with alot of personality. This will be home to the 2006 Commonwealth Games as well as the Annual Australian Open (which we'll be coming back to see) Take a look at some of the pictures and decide for yourself what you think about this place...
- the lone asian
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